Tuesday, November 6, 2007

numero uno

so, this is my first blog. i really needed something besides myspace to get out my thoughts. i have so many.

it always seems that no one of the opposite sex pays you any mind until you decide on one to chase. when you're occupied, i swear... more men come knocking on your door than flies on cake! of course, if you take a look back... most of them aren't that great.

but it's the person you chase and want that makes you cry. and he doesn't even know it. i'm tired of chasing. i wanna be chased.

i have a new job. it's very stark and feminine. i'm a bit excited.

i still would like to move to sweden.

i feel like if i come here and get out EVERYTHING i need to say, maybe i'll look like less of a myspace nerd. lol.

i don't know why, but everytime i have a project due the next day, i'm always on the internet goofing off.

i find that googling jude law always makes me feel better. :)

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